Monday, November 10, 2008

"Besides Still Waters. ( meditating on His word.)" by Peggy ann

I'll sit quietly
besides still waters,
and listen to your voice.
In the gentle breeze
blowing through the trees,
You whisper your songs of love.
What am I before you Lord?
( but a sinner so forlorn?)
If it weren't for your grace and love,
and the precious blood of your Son?
Where would I be?
How could I stand,
if not in your strength alone?
Oh Lord my God,
I'm on my knees
in reverence before thy throne!
Please grant unto me that quiet spirit,
as I patiently walk through life's gloom.
Lift me up, and let me sing of your goodness
Morning, night, or noon.
I will praise your name,
and tell the good news
of your amaizing power to save
any, who through obedience
to your word,
will be kept
by your unfailing grace.
Let me kneel at your feet
Dear Jesus,
as you talk to me
through your word.
Besides still waters
I hear your voice,
the gentlest,
I've ever heard.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Clingster" by Keri Smith

You start to think that only surgery will work
That the sharp edges of the knife will finally free you
Oh the things that so easily beset us!
This one is strong
It comes back when you least expect it
When you thought you had finally conquered it
And what a struggle it is to suppress it!
There is no knocking with this thing, just brutish entry
And then your thoughts are held captive
The Yous struggle for supremacy
and you desperately try anything to get the invader off of you , out of you, away from you
The mental warfare is exhausting...disappointing...frustrating
Oh, to be able to live, think and be without the dreaded Clingster
All you want is to stay focused on what you had
To sustain the momentum
To finally step into that future which beckons so loudly
To partake of that magnificent world that you know is promised to you
And in the end, that is always what helps you, what propels you forward
The future that wants to be realized, pulls you away from the deathly embrace
and for a while, the true You, the better, dominates

"Circumstances" by Peggy Ann

Circumstances in life
are subject to change,
and nothing constant remains;
if today you have
white clouds and clear skies,
be aware
dark ones will soon come floating by.
Bringing with them uncertain events,
and yes, they may even be turbulent.
And so in your quest for peace of mind,
your spirit soars high
into the promises of the Divine
for strength and comfort to pass the time.
Very soon
the sun shines down
clearing away the rains of a storm.
With it, comes fluffy white clouds
and you smile;
thankful for the clearing away
and knowing full well
that dark ones will soon be floating by.
For circumstances in life
are subject to change.

"Towards The Light." by Peggy Ann

In this early hour
of the morning,
I awoke for the second time.
After tossing and turning,
too much on my mind.
I'll go to the kitchen
I thought,
but darkness enveloped the room.
Didn't want to disturb a soul,
now where did I put that broom?
As I stepped into the hallway,
I smiled at the sight.
So facing the front window,
I headed towards the the light!
Letting it be my direction,
through all of this gloom,
I'll find a safe corner,
on my knees I'll be soon!
To tell the Light of this world,
all the cares that I'm facing,
how I need His deliverance,
how my knees are shaking
under this heavy load,
that I'm tired of caring.
The darkness of the circumstance,
was truly clouding my sight,
so I decided this early morning,
to run straight
towards the Light!

"Entwined with Patience" by Keri Smith

Talking to you sometimes feels like
I am violently scrubbing my skin with Scotch-Brite
shuddering as the jagged green edges grate continuously over my tender skin
At other times, it is as if I were a
wounded dog, desperately limping for shelter
just about to get to the sanctuary, and then having you
kick me sharply in the gut, more than once,
and the extreme pain just never dissolves into numbness

You make me want to fight
You make me want to rage
You make me want to forget my love for humanity
To forget what I know, and strive to be
Which is a wise person, who is
quick to listen
slow to respond
ready to forgive

But, then I hold on to sanity
I realize who you are
and that having you control anything about me
especially my emotions
is absolute madness
I fight for control
I get angry and sin not
I put you in your place or
I let it slide
I forgive

Ultimately, I am not my own,
but called for a greater purpose
No one said it would be easy
but it is a must,
with unbelievable benefits

Monday, June 23, 2008

"High Places" by Alison John

I'm listening to the preacher go on about the kings
And I'm wondering why he would choose these things
Confusing as it all first seemed
Finding it hard to keep up with the team
Zechariah, Amaziah, Zedekiah
My head is spinning - My tongue is twisting
Where were Harry, Jack or Justin?
Determined to follow along in the class
Trying to understand these kings of the past
Omri, Zimri, Jeroboam
Ahab, Nadab, Rehoboam
Shallum ruled for a month - Manasseh for 55 years
Most ruled for the fame and never really cared
No longer a united kingdom - Divided by sinful actions
What can we learn from this devastation.
Then it hit me one evening when I wasn't expecting
(This happens a lot when you're really searching..)
While many were evil and angered God deeply
Others would follow him --- but not completely
How many of us do what is right from within
But do not tear down our 'High Places' of sin
We've come from the world where sin had us bound
Yet we refuse to tear those high places down
The old places, old people you use to go see
Don't fit with the Christian you're trying to be
It's no good if you're going through the holy paces
And insist on keeping your 'high places'
So tear them down - you have nothing to lose
Don't leave that opening for the devil to use

"Hush" by Peggyann

Hush little one,
and be at peace.
Lay your head in my arms,
don't be troubled.
I'm here, and I know
you're scared,
but it's ok.
I told you I'll never desert you,
so trust me
and be not afraid.
This disturbance
that you're experiencing,
that has threatened
the peace of your soul,
I'm seeing it.
I'm here with you.
Trust me,
it's just another
in the road.

Friday, May 9, 2008

“This Can't Be True” by Daniel Bleau

This can't be true, is there really a place for me and you?
A place called heaven
There must be a mistake such a place like this is not intended for such
a magitt as I
This, this can't be true not with all the crimes and such trouble that
I've created this must not be!!!
Stop this none sense this can't be true its a lie
See I knew it would come back to me because I had just lied to grandma
so someone wrote the book called the "bible" as revenge to teach me a
But this doesn't explain why science hasn’t been able to explain such
events that have taken place
But this just can't be true because this book has an explanation on
things past......and possibly things to come
This just can't be true because I feel so confused because I thought I
had it down packed
This book
The bible has changed my thinking and know its changing my life
Isn't that weird
I know understand how I qualify for heaven and its riches

"The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever " by Keri S. Smith

On the surface, an appropriate term would be "bleak"
Tension eats you and your lunch
You listen to the whispers of doubt
You don't exhale – the confidence bulldozers are revving their engines
Of course you return to pre-school antics: woe is me, not good enough, not my fault, victim
You search for release
An anchor to pull you way, way above this mess
It's the same source as always
He reminds you that if you crumble in hard times, then who were you really?
He's training you; He disciplines those He loves
Faith is about the unseen
Be encouraged and wait
He's never failed you yet

"The Cause" by Peggy ann

My weakness of faith in thee dear God,
is not for want of your words.
But the ever-so-often glancing away
at the horrible winds of a storm.

My faith in you suffered.
because I looked at the storm
that seemed bigger than I.
I soon forgot all you've done before,
and was sinking in fear and fright.

I picked up your word and read dear Lord,
it dispelled the fears deep inside;
renewed my hope and trust in you,
in your promises I'll ever abide.
Teresa Rose Marie.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"I Remembered." by Peggy Ann

Dear friend,
just recently
there was something
I was going through, and somehow
by the grace of God
I remembered you,
telling me of your experience,
and how you coped with it,
then I became confident,
full of hope that minute.
And not only that,
but because of a message
that I'd heard,
from one of God's spokesmen
on " What I Have Learned"
My heart burned within me,
my spirit became calm.
"I'll trust in Jesus,
and will not be alarmed!"
The burden was heavy,
but His grace made it light......
Dear friend,
it was your courage
I remembered
that night.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"What if?" by Shervon Alexander

What if

What if
He’d left me

What would I have done?
What could I have done?
Who would have saved

cause I am worn.
23 years,
feels like 46,
wondering, worrying
am I right?
am I doing what I should?

Who would have said,
“Oh, she’s redeemable, let’s save her, love her, cherish her, bless her.”
Save her.

Save me!
My soul,
my life,
my love,
my hope,
my strength.

He has.
indescribably so,
makes the pores on my body rise,
like hearing Whitney do the national anthem,
like the sound of I love you from the one who holds my heart
like the feel of a genuine hug with a kiss in my hair,
like remembering The One, Our Father loves me,
it gives me goose bumps.

He has saved me

Monday, April 7, 2008

"This Quiet Place." by Peggy ann

I have come into
this quiet place.
It is here
that I reflect
upon my Savior's face,
trusting His guidance,
seeking His grace,
allowing His words
to whet my taste
for a greater understanding
of life.
It can be so crazy at times,
I don't always say
or do what's right.
Pain, care,and sadness
often rocks deep within
my soul.
I wish to save the world
and make things right,
but I can't.................
So I must do
what's right for me,
for my soul's sake.
So humbly and respectfully
I've come
into this quiet place.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Too Truthful for this Lye" by Jamila Lyiscott

Jamila is too truthful for this lye
Go ahead and ask her
And she's not falling for the trick of a no-'lie'-relaxer
They just see 'barbaric' roots so they're trying to relax her

I can't keep falling for these lyes!
There's been too much bondage, too much self-hate, too much compromise

Monday, March 24, 2008

"He Used God's Name in Vain by Saying that He Loved Her" by Jamila Lyiscott

(Inspired by 1 John 4:16)

If God is Love
Then Love cannot be lust
It cannot simply be a good feeling
If God is Love
Then It must be eternal
It must be the most tangible intangibility
In a world where the intangible is rarely sought
If God is Love
It cannot be wavering, fickle, or in between
It cannot be unsure
It cannot be self-seeking
If we are Love
(I mean, really Love)
We ought to be transcendent
We have to be secure
If God is Love
Then It must be undefeatable
With the ability to verbalize and materialize change
It must be able to mold the formless
and make formless the self-molded
If God is Love
Then It is sternly soothing
It is timeless and vigilant
It must be self-sacrificing and long-suffering
If God is Love
Then my mind must beat faster when I feel it
For the heart is fickle
If God is Love, and I am God, and Love is me
Then It, I, Him must be sure

"I Could Not Stand" by Teresa RoseMarie (Peggy)

Were it not for the hand of the Lord,
I could not stand.
Were it not for His lovingkindness and compassion,
My heart would melt within me,
and I would be consumed by my grief.

Were it not for the Master's guidance,
I would be blind.
Were it not for His tender words,
the beauty and warmth in hugs and smiles
would fade,
as I reach further into myself.

All praise, glory,and honor,
Were it not for the Wonderful Counselor,
Were it not for His glorious presence,
Were it not for the hand of the Lord,
I could not stand.

Friday, March 14, 2008

"Make His Praise Glorious" by Zoisha Salexia Case

Let’s yield our hearts to the king above
Let’s give him the chance to bless us with his love
If we close our eyes and open our hearts we will hear him speak and all our worries will depart
Don’t ask me how he does it, I don’t understand
Let’s just accept his healing and marvel at his powers so grand
He loves us all more than we can comprehend
So when we feel we need someone, he can be that true and faithful friend
God is the one who planted the roses on the earth
He is the one who blessed each of us before our birth
He made the green pastures so his animals could graze
It is also him we should thank for the beautiful sunset on which our eyes graze
How would we know when life is good if we never experience pain?
How could we recognize sunshine if we never saw rain?
What a mighty God, what stupendous power
He is there for us, every minute, every hour
Our life may not be easy, in fact it might be quite rough
But through it all Our God is always by our sides so let’s make his praise glorious

"Dear Friend" by Teresa Rose Marie (Peggy)

Dear friend,
I did listen
and decided to do
as you have said.
I sat down
with paper and pen
to count my blessings, instead
of moaning and groaning
and bathing in my complaints.
the most wonderful thing unfolded,
as I went along
and counted.
I felt so calm,
I had to smile,
and began to sing a song.
For I realized
how blessed I've been.
And that this
dark cloak of sadness
was something,
of which I was truly in need.
For each time I wore that robe,
I held on so close to God,
my heart and mind
were set in prayer,
and filled with His precious word.
He lifted me out,
and up so high
I was always able to cope.
My precious Savior
held my hand,
and led me
on the road of hope!
So I'm responding
to your letter dearest friend,
and giving you the same advice.
Dear friend,
take pen and paper,
and your blessings,
please begin to write!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

(Untitled) by Darren Sands

I had a dream that I loved you like
mama's macaroni and cheese
warm rain
the first rays of sunlight that light up your face
on sunday morning
a hug from a long lost friend
how your fingers work when you braid
and like
blueberry butter.

and i like
the way
you are so cynical and passionate and delicate
about everything
all at once.
this comes easy to you.
and though I cannot understand it,
this love for you
was first expressed through Him in agony
on the cross

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Hate" by Jamila Lyiscott

What do these young black people hate about themselves so much?
It shouldn’t be what…it should be, why do they hate themselves?
Why do we foster this ignorant state?
Why do we proudly enslave ourselves in civil battles with self-induced hate?
Why do we depreciate ourselves with the inappreciation of fallen kings that lie in enslaven graves?
As the footprints of our forefathers collect dust on the roads they’ve paved
Little black girls don’t have fathers to call them beautiful
So now they fall for lies
Seeking beauty between their thighs
Found fulfillment of that paternal void in some loser’s eyes
Because he looks just like their daddy
Little black girls are getting with their daddies and being discarded
And it’s this metaphysical incest that has us functionally retarded
So the fall of the Black kingdom is simply being disregarded
As we hate

But this Hate
It did not originate in the bellies of our docking ships
This Hate
Was an electrical transcendence through the master’s mocking whips
It’s not the black plague, it’s the black Hate that resonates throughout my Hood
Fighting good
Saying these baby daddies would be these baby’s daddies if they weren’t baby daddies
But if they were Fathers
Its like this Hate is fighting harder
It has the Hood possessed
Lord save us! We’re lost in concrete woods and sending sparks up in distress
Red and blue S.O.S

And where is happiness?
It dangles off the fingertips of God in the form of crowns for Kings and Queens
But we don’t want that
We’d rather be self-inflicting fools harnessing anger like Hate fiends
So we Hate in this life without the thoughts to appreciate the One that reigns above it
We Hate
And Willie Lynch got us thinking that we love it
And even though I come from Bed Stuy
I’m here to tell you that I’m in this world, but I’m not of it
I’m here for change

"Enraptured Love" by Daniel Bleau

Enraptured in love
flowing smoothly from
the heavens above

Twirling round and round
until it hits the ground

Boom, Bang,Pow
The impact is oh so hard

the effect is great
its more than worthwhile

Its what I've been waiting on
All my life I have waited

Its all I ever wanted
Its all I ever needed
Enraptured love,love,love
enraptured love from above

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Can I Pray with You?" by Teresa Rose Marie (Peggy)

Hi there,
are you ok?
Just thought I'd pass by
and visit with you today.
Some how, yesterday,
I looked at you,
and even though you smiled,
there was just this far away look
in your eyes.
So I wondered
how I could help you.
No, you don't have to
tell me your troubles,
I know that life
tosses us here and there
and trials burst many bubbles!
But I wondered,
Can I pray with you?
It will only take a while,
that's ok,
I know your heart is full,
yes, it's ok to cry.
In His great compassion
Jesus will hear you
and take you up in His arms.
Though the storms are blowing,
He is the anchor
hold still and feel no alarm.
No matter how rough,
How loud,
How cloudy,
Focus on what He has said.
The Shepherd of your soul
will always lead you,
in His bosom
you can always lay your head!
Can you think of a friend, besides the Master,
who'll walk with you along the way?
My friend,
I just wanted to drop by,
to hold your hands and pray.

"Bubbling" by Keri S. Smith

In this bubble, there is a desert
there is darkness
Thirst, fear and sadness
Over and over and over again

He looks at me
I don't see
I am distracted by a pointless journey
Confused by a pointless purpose
I miss his reminder

He never stops watching
I am weary of the journey
Frustrated by the waste
The pain forces me to stop, reevaluate....remember
I look at him

I can't believe I didn't remember
I created that bubble, that desert
His was always a better plan, ultimate fulfillment
Somehow, I still return to the created bubble
He patiently waits
Until I burst it once and for all

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Blind Skind-ed" by Jamila Lyiscott

I have never seen a White man...not once

I have seen broken souls wield whips of language
I have seen bleeding spirits stand strong in ignorance

But I have never seen a White man...
So I've never seen a White man's God

I've seen hands of power inflict weary mates and call it Love
But Love itself maintains its purity

I've seen the word 'Love' painted onto tongues that have fists that fight with insecurity...
But Love maintains its purity...

So I've never seen a White man ...
or a White man's God

I've seen the word 'God' gilded onto lies
I've seen the word 'Jesus' graffittied onto slaveship bellies by pointy toothed devils that knew that Love is so easily confused with the impurity that might choose to bear its name

But I've never seen a White man...

I've never even seen a Black man
...OR his God

I've seen LORD God of hosts
Lord of all nations
Never God of skins

Sorry White have no God
Sorry Black have no God

But We do.

Monday, March 3, 2008

"He Sent You." by Teresa Rose Marie (Peggy)

I'm so glad that you passed by,
I need someone to talk to.
Life's been pressing me hard,
there's so much that I'm going through.
I truly need a friend
to kneel with me and pray,
to ask the blessed Savior,
to come by this way.

Please pull up a chair
and talk with me for a minute,
don't look around the room
at all the mess you see in it.
My mind is so confused,
my heart aches, my head pains,
but this moment of sweet fellowship,
will surely bring me gain!

I'm so glad you talked with me,
the assurance that you gave,
that Jesus loves and cares for me
you held my hands and we prayed.
It left me with this awesome feeling
of peace, to go through this day,
Oh my blessed friend in Christ,
I'm glad He sent you my way.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Walk With Me"

Walk with me
Saith the Savior,
I'll show you
All that life is.
Just a vapor,
That appears for a moment,
Then quickly, it vanishes away!
For your short walk,
On this side, in time,
Many hurdles will be in your way.
Try as you may,
To cross them
Without me,
You're only going astray!
My way, will bring peace to your soul,
As I cleanse you from deep within.
Change your life,
Through your mind, lift you up,
When I wash away all of your sins!
My burden I'll give you
Is not hard to bare,
I'll go with you all the way;
Straight until,
The end of your journey,
Where you'll receive
The prize,
For which I paid.

~Teresa Rose Marie (Peggy)

"We Know"

Duh! Double duh!
We know this
We lived this
We taught this
We believe this
We never forgot this
Yet we continue to delay this
and live with the frustration of having tasted the Promise Land,
but now our lazy butts foolishly continue to eat the tainted other

~Keri S. Smith

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


it was never about shiny rings
Yeah, it caught our eyes those shiny things
Even in the Garden
I bet you Eve was mad, face hardened at her new submissive place
Fighting shame and tears with a less than stoic face
As God dished out her blessing
You see, while Eve was stressing over her indulgence of those shiny things
God was molding her into the foremother of the most high and mighty kings
Shiny rings seem kind of foolish now, but Eve just sees the worse
She keeps complaining of the cruel nature of God’s submission curse
“I was created at the side of Adam, I did everything that he did
why must I reign below him?” I’m telling you, Eve was heated
‘Cause she missed it, we missed it…Eve, my sisters, stop stressing
God designed every curse in the Garden to also be a blessing
We can seldom decipher His complexity, but I had a revelation
‘Cause our bosoms protect with fierce determination
We nurture and comfort, we have breasts to wean nations
As we foster the sustenance of God’s own creation
With this explanation
That this curse of submission leads to divine elevation
You may deem us the weaker sex, but I deem you false teachers
For to say that there is weakness in submission is to convey a false Jesus
So, I encourage you my sisters, to embrace your feminine roles
For God only humbles His children to elevate their souls
So I am Jesus, I proudly bear my submission holes
As God says “wait”
He said “wait, Jesus, your lowliness will make you great”
Eve, wait, your humility will make you great
Sisters, wait, your submission will make you great

~Jamila Lyiscott

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"What Jesus Did For Me And YOU"

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
Jesus came and lived the perfect life for me and you.
Jesus died on the cross for me and you.
So don't you forget
About the blood that was shed for me and you.

~David II, Dyahnah, Dominic, Daniel, and Taniaya Wilson

Sunday, February 24, 2008

"My Child"

If I could give you
a great gift,
without question
it would be,the
wonderful memories
of your parents,in what
a happy home could be.
The perfect childhood,
free from misery or pain,
the comfort and assurance
that love would always remain.
Great friends and loved ones,
so you'd never be alone.
Blessings to guide you
where ere you may roam.
That you'd never be in want,
no, you'd never shed a tear,
cause you are my child,
and I'd always be there
to hold you and shield you
from any of life's storms,
What more can you ask,
this just can't be wrong!
But alas! Such a great gift,
I can never afford,
So I gave you the most
Perfect gift, when I showed you
The Lord!

~Teresa Rose Marie ( Peggy)

Friday, February 22, 2008

"The Master's Peace"

This is His Masterpiece
Paintbrush in hand
He towers over easel stand
Three brush strokes created man

This is His Masterpiece
So He blots out what He wills
Upon His purpose His choice fills spots blank of life with movement
He will create to His amusement
This is His Masterpiece

Paint has no say
Soaked up by brush and appointed to sway left
Given the grace Paint says ‘yes’
Then Painter lifts color-soaked brush...
As Paint clings on to tip in trust...
As Hand wields magic across canvas blank...
From bristles to paper color sank
Paint glides with thanks
With ease
With hope that it will Painter please

This is His Masterpiece
And Painter smiles
He knows Paint is His blessed child
Whom He fashioned
From great mind, to finger’s tips flows His compassion
Into His masterpiece...

Until Paint broke peace with Master
Here forth conveys of Paint’s disaster
Who after move from guiding Image made its color fainter

Paint, Potential Master’s piece...
Nothing without its Painter

~Jamila Lyiscott

"And You Are?"

The world owes you?
You step on us
It's our pleasure
You scream
We are to obey
You are always right
Always the best
Always perfect

Sadly, you may always step on us
Frankly, it may never end
Retaliation is is a loss of our power
Vengeance is for Someone far greater than we
Maybe not in this lifetime, but in the next we all will answer
So step if you need to step
Scream! Shout!Punish us, make us bleed
But in a quiet moment ask - in the grand scheme of things, who are you really?
Humility may save us all

~Keri S. Smith

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Saturday Morn"

Tears fill my eyes as I see Him there
Burdened with Calvary
And I am so ashamed
For I should be with Him

Instead I stand against the gate
Huddled in safety
I do not share His pain
The Lord is forsaken

Time has shown that I am not at all what I said I would be
I said I'd never leave Him
Yet I did

And now in shame I denied His name as I was told I would
I said I didn't know Him
But I did

When I hear the cock crow
I die inside

~David Wilson

"For the Love of God; For the God of Love"

Once upon a time
In a land not too far from here, there were two Goders in God
She was curled up in his arms, and there she silently lay
Yes, these two Goders, they were sittin’ on the dock of the bay
And well after the rise of the moon
Well after the birds had nothing left to say
Quote he, “I God you”
Quote she, “I Love you”
Quote they, “We are in God”

He traced her veins with his fingers
They reminded him of leaves
She blushed in embarrassment after a not-so-feminine sneeze
They chuckled and moved closer in response to the night breeze
Then said she, “Say how much you love me
Can you equate it with the expanse of the earth and the stars that shine above me?
How much do you love me?”
And with this plea
He put one hand on her knee
Then said he, “Baby, you are asking that I measure God”
And this next line He said with an upward nod
“Love is God, and God is Love
so how can you ask me to limit Him to the expanse of the earth and the stars that shine above?
I said God is Love, so I cannot measure It
And Love is God so all I can do is worship and treasure It
I cannot quantify the unquantifiable
But I know that my God is enough…it’s strange
I cannot touch the intangible, but somehow I can feel Love
They’re one and the same
I cannot quantify the unquantifiable
But I know that my Love is enough…it’s strange that
I cannot touch the intangible, but I can feel God
Because they’re one and the same
My fair lady
Maybe you think my lack of a definitive answer is type shady
But baby, this God, this Love can move mountains
And this Love can calm the sea
And I was created in His image so by His power vested in me
I promise to try to be like He was
I promise to strive to treat you like He does
‘Cause I’m not atheistic
I believe Love, I believe God is real
So the next time I say ‘I Love you’ I want you to feel
The power of God…for they are the same”
Then, maybe to be romantic, maybe just to step up his game
He went down on one knee
Then said he, “I told you.
I was created in the image of Love
So I can move mountains
So I can calm the sea when you’re tossed
So I can be humble like Jesus
He didn’t get angry at this life, He got crossed
I’m glad He paid the cost
‘Cause that’s Love
And I want to share in His glory”
And surely, this equation of God with Love is the end and the moral of the story that

Once upon a time
In a land not too far from here, there were two Lovers in Love
She was curled up in his arms, and there she silently lay
Yes, these two Lovers, they were sittin’ on the dock of the bay
And well after the rise of the moon
Well after the birds had nothing left to say
Quote he, “I Love you”
Quote she, “I God you”
Quote they, “We are in Love”

~Jamila Lyiscott

"When I Realized My Saviour"

In the dark I am alone
No one's there
Because no one's home
When I dream my dreams are rare
Giving me a spooky scare
I no longer am walking without my light
The light that lights my path abroad
In a room where my presence dwells all alone

No longer have this feeling that my presence is alone
This mysterious presence heals my every care
This presence I sense is no longer a mystery
This presence I feel has been there throughout history

This presence is caring
This presence is kind
This presence wise
This presence is JESUS
Who is LORD and KING of my life

~Daniel Bleau

"My Beginning and End"

Be nice
Love to all
Be forgiving
Have patience
Harbor no ill will
Let generosity abound
Can be hard to do when smiles hide mouths full of knives

But we answer to only Him
He says He will provide
He says fear only Him
We believe
We feel peace
We see and feel the knives
But we are protected
He makes us feel nothing and achieve everything

He is the beginning and the end
Our beginning, our end
That is more than enough for us
We smile at the knives, we love the owners of those mouths

~Keri S. Smith

Friday, February 8, 2008

"The Burden of That Yes"

Wicked smart
Cream of the crop
Reputable, golden child - prime role model material

BOOM! You quiver
Your identity is lost
You are a series of yeses
A blank slate - a malleable soul
Robot mode - wide, plastic grin and colourless, dead eyes

Yes, yes and more yes
as the you that was the role model, the shining star, is suffocated
and you discourage and disappoint the many who sought to learn from you, to emulate you

You are too scared to stand for the non-yes
Craving instead the false security of that Yes

~Keri S. Smith

Thursday, February 7, 2008

"Finding Amazing Grace"

At one time I didn't understand
Amazing Grace
I couldn't see how the sound was so
But then the Lord stepped in
and changed the look of my heart, my hands and my feet
Then I didn't need no explaining
I could see how God's grace was truly amazing
I underwent a transformation
a divine revelation
that I'm a new creation
saved from damnation
with soul salvation
living with no hesitation
because I'm a manifestation
of life.
You got all that, right?
Gotta make sure you hear the truth
of how the Lord is the root
of my amazing grace philosophy
how could I possibly
make it through the fire and the flame
heartache and the pain
sadness and the shame
Well, let me just make it plain.
I'd still be lost.
Child, double-crossed
if it weren't for the man
on the cross who paid all the cost.
He cashed the check I could not pay,
made reservations where I could not stay,
made a path when I couldn't find the way.
Despite the fact that red-handed I'd been caught
I still was bought.
Now, that amazing grace
that sweet sound is even sweeter.
Now, his love runs even deeper.
Now, I walk in heavenly light,
one day I can spread wings and take my flight
No longer lost
I have been found
Watch me take my steps on holy ground
I ain't blind no more,
I can clearly see.
The burden has been lifted,
I am finally free.
This race
I can surely win.
And when the gates are opened
I can enter right on in.
I got grace even more amazing
my mouth can stop giving forth the praising
He is the source of my inspiration
the token of all admiration.
I'm on that narrow road now,
won't you come with me?
Headed towards that highway to heaven
and there ain't no fee.
Child, that alone should make you rise to your feet
with no shame,
get your hands together and praise his holy name!

~Ashley Foxx

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Dorian Grey"

I age but the dream remains, ideas seem to have changed
At this path’s end, rusted chains in light hands
Vertebrate scars and pride shards cast like ashes of the long gone
Will we remember, or have I already forgotten and when my mind
knew the world what have we begotten?
And this can’t be fixed by no reparations cause we’ll give it all right
back in the celebration
It aint about 40 acres and a mule more like 40 inches and a pool.
Saying we’re hot to be cool
Explaining why with no rule

~Laurent Chevalier, 21


I saw her
In her royal declination I wanted to adore her
But I saw her
Cramped and crippled in the crevices of Cairo
I ran swiftly along the seed bursting Nile because I know what it means to be without fruit
You see, in her youth they tried to squeeze her into an American dream, but the size was zero
And I couldn’t save her ‘cause I’m no hero
But I knew
That her mountains and her child bearing hips
Could burst the seams of a paradigm so bulimic
Had you seen it…you would have tried to save her too
Had you seen it…you would have died to save her too

~Jamila Lyiscott, 21

"We Have Moved"

We have moved and feel we’ve proved we're walking in better shoes
Golf shoes, tennis shoes, shoes without the blues we feel were wearing
freedom shoes
The crème de la crème the cats pajamas
But cats shape the world through the banging of their hammers
Oh yes we’ve moved but where to?
From plantations to projects from slavery to slawson
At least we wanted more when we were picking the cotton
Now we're dirt in a still pool, ate nothing but still full
We should be ravenous not cool with just having this blasphemous
thing proclaimed freedom

~Laurent Chevalier