Friday, May 9, 2008

“This Can't Be True” by Daniel Bleau

This can't be true, is there really a place for me and you?
A place called heaven
There must be a mistake such a place like this is not intended for such
a magitt as I
This, this can't be true not with all the crimes and such trouble that
I've created this must not be!!!
Stop this none sense this can't be true its a lie
See I knew it would come back to me because I had just lied to grandma
so someone wrote the book called the "bible" as revenge to teach me a
But this doesn't explain why science hasn’t been able to explain such
events that have taken place
But this just can't be true because this book has an explanation on
things past......and possibly things to come
This just can't be true because I feel so confused because I thought I
had it down packed
This book
The bible has changed my thinking and know its changing my life
Isn't that weird
I know understand how I qualify for heaven and its riches

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