Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Blind Skind-ed" by Jamila Lyiscott

I have never seen a White man...not once

I have seen broken souls wield whips of language
I have seen bleeding spirits stand strong in ignorance

But I have never seen a White man...
So I've never seen a White man's God

I've seen hands of power inflict weary mates and call it Love
But Love itself maintains its purity

I've seen the word 'Love' painted onto tongues that have fists that fight with insecurity...
But Love maintains its purity...

So I've never seen a White man ...
or a White man's God

I've seen the word 'God' gilded onto lies
I've seen the word 'Jesus' graffittied onto slaveship bellies by pointy toothed devils that knew that Love is so easily confused with the impurity that might choose to bear its name

But I've never seen a White man...

I've never even seen a Black man
...OR his God

I've seen LORD God of hosts
Lord of all nations
Never God of skins

Sorry White have no God
Sorry Black have no God

But We do.

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