Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"For the Love of God; For the God of Love"

Once upon a time
In a land not too far from here, there were two Goders in God
She was curled up in his arms, and there she silently lay
Yes, these two Goders, they were sittin’ on the dock of the bay
And well after the rise of the moon
Well after the birds had nothing left to say
Quote he, “I God you”
Quote she, “I Love you”
Quote they, “We are in God”

He traced her veins with his fingers
They reminded him of leaves
She blushed in embarrassment after a not-so-feminine sneeze
They chuckled and moved closer in response to the night breeze
Then said she, “Say how much you love me
Can you equate it with the expanse of the earth and the stars that shine above me?
How much do you love me?”
And with this plea
He put one hand on her knee
Then said he, “Baby, you are asking that I measure God”
And this next line He said with an upward nod
“Love is God, and God is Love
so how can you ask me to limit Him to the expanse of the earth and the stars that shine above?
I said God is Love, so I cannot measure It
And Love is God so all I can do is worship and treasure It
I cannot quantify the unquantifiable
But I know that my God is enough…it’s strange
I cannot touch the intangible, but somehow I can feel Love
They’re one and the same
I cannot quantify the unquantifiable
But I know that my Love is enough…it’s strange that
I cannot touch the intangible, but I can feel God
Because they’re one and the same
My fair lady
Maybe you think my lack of a definitive answer is type shady
But baby, this God, this Love can move mountains
And this Love can calm the sea
And I was created in His image so by His power vested in me
I promise to try to be like He was
I promise to strive to treat you like He does
‘Cause I’m not atheistic
I believe Love, I believe God is real
So the next time I say ‘I Love you’ I want you to feel
The power of God…for they are the same”
Then, maybe to be romantic, maybe just to step up his game
He went down on one knee
Then said he, “I told you.
I was created in the image of Love
So I can move mountains
So I can calm the sea when you’re tossed
So I can be humble like Jesus
He didn’t get angry at this life, He got crossed
I’m glad He paid the cost
‘Cause that’s Love
And I want to share in His glory”
And surely, this equation of God with Love is the end and the moral of the story that

Once upon a time
In a land not too far from here, there were two Lovers in Love
She was curled up in his arms, and there she silently lay
Yes, these two Lovers, they were sittin’ on the dock of the bay
And well after the rise of the moon
Well after the birds had nothing left to say
Quote he, “I Love you”
Quote she, “I God you”
Quote they, “We are in Love”

~Jamila Lyiscott

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love is God and how beautiful to know this. God's love is the only true thing that we can look foward to not failing us, to being real with us and to helping us when we're down. It is wonderful being in love and being in God. It is a feeling that is most precious and to me it is the same.......Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem.......